43-45 Annandale Street, Edinburgh, EH7 4AZ
+44 0 131 5561226

Challenging Racial and Religious Prejudice

Mosque and Community Centre

Challenging Racial and Religious Prejudice

Scottish Parliament Cross-party group.

It’s purpose:

To bring together elected members from all political parties, agencies and individuals working on issues of racial and religious prejudice in order to explore the nature and extent of these issues in Scotland and how they can be challenged and overcome. The group recognises that the issue of racism and religious prejudice presents specific challenges that have received relatively little attention in the Scottish context. It will seek to monitor the issue of racial and religious hatred in Scotland and develop strategies for tackling it. The group’s main purpose will be to inform Parliament of the work that it does in the hope of increasing awareness about racism and religious intolerance in Scotland and to ensure such matters are engaged with where necessary in policy and practice.

Next meeting

The next meeting of the CPG on Challenging Racial and Religious Prejudice will be held on Tuesday 16 May at 2pm. 

If interested get in touch with Jacqueline Merchant (Office of Anas Sarwar MSP).

Address: The Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh, EH99 1SP

Email: Jacqueline.Merchant@parliament.scot